School Nurse Resources

Please CONTACT US to suggest further additions to this resource list. These may contain third party links and therefore you may be directed to a site that is not part of CSNO.

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Research shows that school nurse case-management of chronically ill students increases attendance. (Engelke, M.K., Guttu, M., Warren, W.B, & Swanson, M. (2008); Levy, M., Heffner, B., Stewart, T., Beeman, G. (2006).

The California Attorney General’s Office, the Ad Council, California Endowment and community partners including CSNO, sent communications experts to interview nearly 1,000 parents of chronically absent elementary school students. They learned some very interesting things, including:

  • Parents have big dreams for their children, but those dreams are tied to high school and beyond (graduation, college admission, etc.). Only 37–41% of interviewed parents thought that K–3 absences are a serious issue.
  • Simple changes to messaging can have a big positive impact. For example, parents are better able to understand the reasonable number of absences if you refer to absences per month (an average of 2+ is too many), as opposed to absences per term or year (18+ absences is too many).
  • Parents prefer to communicate via text message. School and community leaders should consider using text messages as part of a comprehensive outreach strategy.

All of this information is now available in the form of a positive parent messaging toolkit. The toolkit includes all of the research reports, communication tools based on the research, and recommendations that will help district and community leaders develop their own communications strategies.

Attendance Works is a national and state initiative that promotes better policy and practice around school attendance. We promote tracking chronic absence data for each student beginning in kindergarten, or ideally earlier, and partnering with families and community agencies to intervene when poor attendance is a problem for students or schools.Health Issues and absenteeism.



Forum for Youth Investment: The Forum for Youth Investment helps adults get young people ready for life.

Adolescents and School Health

Teen Development

Allergies and Anaphylaxis

Food Allergies Research & Education

Medical Emergencies Occurring at School

CSNO has developed a training product to address the Education Code requirements outlined in 49414. Guidelines for the Administration of Specialized Healthcare Services in California Schools (2011) has a Section devoted to Anaphylaxis and is available for purchase in the CSNO Store section of this website

EpiPen4Schools: Free Epinephrine for Schools

Auvi-Q Epinephrine Toolkit

NASN Food Allergy Toolkit for School Nurses

How to C.A.R.E.™ for Students with Food Allergies: What Educators Should Know: This free online interactive course teaches educators how to prepare for food allergy and anaphylaxis. It is specifically designed for school personnel – administrators, nurses, teachers, and other staff.



Alliance Working for Antibiotic Resistance Education (AWARE)



Asthma in Schools: The Basics for Parents

NASN: Asthma Resources

School Environmental Health and Asthma Collaborative (SEHAC)

Asthma QuickTakes, a series of 3- to 5-minute training videos on asthma, created specifically for schools.


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National Institute for Children's Health Quality: Building Resiliency in Teen Moms can Improve Breastfeeding and Save Babies

Encouraging Teen Moms to Breastfeed

Breastfeeding USA: What Breastfeeding is Like in the First Days: For Teen Mothers

Lactation accommodations in California Public School districts (EDC 222)



Stop Bullying

California Bullying Laws


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Calendars (Project Due Dates)

School Nurse

California Board of Registered Nursing

California Board of Registered Nurses

RN to BSN/MSN Education Information from the BRN site

How to become a school nurse


California Department of Education

California Department of Education (CDE) Health Services and School Nursing

  • Asthma Management
  • Diabetes Management
  • Hand Foot and Mouth Disease
  • Head Lice Prevention and Control
  • Immunizations
  • Influenza Prevention
  • Medication Administration
  • MRSA
  • Oral Health
  • Skin Cancer
  • Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention
  • Vision and Hearing
  • LEA Medi-Cal Billing Option FAQ

Cannabis (Medicinal)

California Board of Registered Nursing Notice of Precedential Declaratory Decision

California Education Code 49414.1

Sample Board Policy-Oakland USD-5141.21-Medication Administration (needs the addition of Medical Cannabis)

Board Policy-3513.4-Drug and Alcohol Free Schools, needs to state "except medicinal cannabis"

Child Abuse

Preventing Child Abuse & Neglect: Evidence-based child abuse prevention strategies from Child Welfare Information Gateway webpage maintained by the federal government.

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES): Center for Disease Control and Prevention addresses prevention of ACES

Child Abuse Prevention Center is a state, national, and international service, training, advocacy, and resource center dedicated to protecting children and building healthy families

Prevent Child Abuse America dedicated to promoting services that improve child well-being in all 50 states and developing programs that help to prevent all types of abuse and neglect. Voted one of the two best charities for children in the nation.

US Center for Safe Sport- Parent Toolkit on Sexual Abuse


Chronic Health Conditions

Managing Chronic Health Conditions in Schools: The Role of the School Nurse


Communicable Diseases

California Department of Public Health Communicable Disease Division

Reportable Communicable Diseases



American Academy of Pediatrics Concussion Recommendations

Concussion Training/ CDC-Heads Up On-line Training

An Educators Guide to Concussions



CSNO COVID-19 Resource Center


Crisis and Bereavement in Schools

National Center for Crisis and Bereavement in Schools


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Data (Students)

Kids Data: Find data about the health and well being of children in communities across California

Children Now: Children Now’s mission is to find common ground among influential opinion leaders, interest groups and policymakers, who can develop and drive socially innovative, “win-win” approaches to helping all children achieve their full potential.

California Healthy Kids Survey: The California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) is the largest statewide survey of resiliency, protective factors, and risk behaviors in the nation.

Lucille Packard Foundation for Children's Health: Children with Special Health Care needs



California Education Code 49452.7: school district shall provide an information sheet regarding type 2 diabetes to the parent or guardian of incoming 7th grade pupils

California Education Code 49452.6: school district make the type 1 diabetes informational materials accessible to the parent or guardian of a pupil when the pupil is first enrolled in elementary school, or with the information provided pursuant to Section 48980.

Sample Type I Diabetes Letters

American Diabetes Association: Training School Staff on Diabetic Care

Children's Diabetes Foundation

National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP)

NASN Diabetes Resources for Schools

California Supreme Court Decision August, 2013 American Nurses Association et. al. vs Tom Torlakson, as Superintendent, et al and American Diabetes Association.


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Eating Disorder

ANRED: Anorexia Nervosa and Related Eating Disorders

Comprehensive Eating Disorders Program: Stanford Children's Program


Early Childhood

Every Child By Two (ECBT): Vaccinate Your Family

California Association for the Education of Young Children

National Association for the Education of Young Children

Zero to Three


Emergency Response

School Emergency Triage Training (SETT): A NASN Training program. School Emergency Triage Training

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMS): Incidence Management System Training NIMS 100-1000

Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS)

California Office of Emergency Services-School Emergency Planning and Safety


Enterovirus 68

EV-D68 is a respiratory illness that spreads through close contact, similar to the common cold. It is also spread through touching infected/contaminated objects or surfaces.


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First Aid

First Aid Mayo Clinic Information

 Emergency First Aid Guidelines for California Schools 

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Grief Support

Coalition to Support Grieving Students

National Center for School Crisis Response: 1-877-53-NCSCB (1-877-536-2722), [email protected]

National Alliance for Children's Grief

Gortimer Gibbon's Life on Normal Street: Dealing with Grief (Interview)


Growth Charts

CDC Growth Charts



The California Endowment

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

The Sierra Health Foundation


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Health Education

California Department of Education Health Education

Characteristics of Effective Health Curriculum

Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT)

School Health Index: An online self-assessment and planning tool for schools

National Health Education Standards


Health Education Resources

Action for Healthy Kids: dedicated to promoting school wellness, increasing academic achievement, and preventing childhood obesity. We collaborate with numerous state partners to improve student health so school age children can achieve their full academic potential and develop healthy habits that will last a lifetime.

Dairy Council of California: Since 1919, Dairy Council of California has been an innovator in nutrition education and the dairy industry’s contribution to community health.

Project LEAN: offers training, technical assistance, and expert consultation in both Spanish and English on policy and environmental change strategies and community-based solutions that will improve opportunities for healthful eating and physical activity.


Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act (HIPAA)



Hearing Screening

Hearing screening is mandated in kindergarten/first grade and in second, fifth, eighth, tenth/eleventh grade and upon first school entry (California Code of Regulations, Title 17, Section 2952 (c)(1)) . Hearing screening in California public schools must be conducted by a credentialed school audiometrist.

Hearing Conservation Program Publications

California Education Code 49452: Hearing Screening grade requirements and qualified personnel

School Audiometrist Manual

Health Services 

Health Services Role Differentiation In the Educational Setting  


Homeless Education

Housing Assistance


Human Trafficking

FBI: Human Trafficking

National Human Trafficking Resource Center: 1(888)373-7888

Without Permission



CDC Clean Hands and Spaces Training

The training consists of four modules that focus on:

  • How and when to clean hands.
  • How to create a hygiene plan for an educational environment.
  • How to select, use, and store cleaning products and disinfectants.
  • How to team up with parents and caregivers to build good hygiene habits with children.

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Internet Safety

Protect The Good Life: Online Safety Tips

Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA): A Resource Guide for Parents



Shots for School: Immunization Information and Assessment Reporting

CDC Immunization Schedules

National Immunization Awareness Month (August)


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Jock Itch

Jock Itch Information


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Klinefelter Syndrome

Klinefelter Syndrome Information



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LGBTQIA2+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Bi-Sexual, Questioning/Queer, Intersex, Asexual, Two-spirited)

CDC Youth Resources

LGBTQ College Culture Guide

The Best College for LGBTQ+ Students In Each State

College Scholarships For LGBTQ+ Students

Helpful Resources for LGBTQIA Social Work

LGBTQIA Resource Center

The Trevor Project


Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF)

Local Control Funding Formula Overview

Local Control Funding Formula Guide


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Medical Marijuana

Medical Cannabinoids in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review

California Education Code 49414.1: Jojo's Act



Measles begins with a fever that lasts for a couple of days, followed by a cough, runny nose, conjunctivitis (pink eye), and a rash. The rash typically appears first on the face, along the hairline, and behind the ears and then affects the rest of the body. Infected people are usually contagious from about 4 days before their rash starts to 4 days afterwards. Children routinely get their first dose of the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine at 12 months old or later. The second dose of MMR is usually administered before the child begins kindergarten but may be given one month or more after the first dose.

Signs and Symptoms


Medication Administration

Medication Administration California Education Code 49423

Medication Administration Training Product: For school nurses to train Unlicensed Assistive Personnel


Mental Health

Active Minds, Changing the Conversation about Mental Health

Center for Mental Health in Schools

CDC Mental Health

Health and Human Services

Mental Health First Aid Training

Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration


Mesothelioma Cancer

Mesothelioma Resources: Information, connections to law firms

Mesothelioma Resources: Information, medical and financial assistance


Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus-Aureus Infections (MRSA)

CDC MRSA for School & Daycare

CDPH MRSA Information


Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Diagnosis and Management in Young People


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Nosebleed Information


Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Information


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Action for Healthy Kids

Overweight and Obesity Overview

Obesity Prevalence Maps

Adults Obesity Facts

Children Obesity Facts


Opioid Prevention

Opioids Information

Opioid Overdose Prevention

Naloxone Standing Order

Opioid overdose prevention and treatment training program

​​​​Naloxone Distribution Project

 Oral Health

CA Oral Health Technical Assistance Center: Oral Health Resources for all ages:

CDC Healthy Schools Oral Health Teaching Resources

Smile CA: Information regarding Medi-Cal covered dental services and provides a tool for finding a dentist. Also provides dental education videos and materials.


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Pediculosis (Head Lice)

CDPH Lice Information

NASN Lice Resources


Prader Willi Syndrome

Prader Willi Syndrome Information


Precocious Puberty

Precocious Puberty Information


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The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health

The Journal of School Nursing


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Scoliosis (Postural Screening)

Scoliosis Mandate Suspension

Standards for Scoliosis Screening in California Public Schools


Seizure Disorders (Epilepsy)

Epilepsy Foundation

Seizure Training for School Nurses: Caring for Students

Seizure Training for School Personnel


Self-Injury or Self-Harm

Cutting and Self-Harm Help Guide

Mayo Clinic Self Injury Overview


Sexual Assault

ValorUS: A national organization committed to advancing equity and ending sexual violence.

National Sexual Violence Resource Center

National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)


Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Education

California Healthy Youth Act: Comprehensive sexual health education must be provided at least once to middle and once in high school students.


Special Education

Special Education Division California Department of Education

Section 504 vs and Individualized Education Plan (IEP)


Substance Abuse

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

Partnership for Drug-Free Kids Resources

Start Your Recovery

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

Teenage Substance Abuse Prevention

Alcohol Addiction Rehab Guide


Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Eric Paredes Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Act


Suicide Prevention

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)

Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) Training

Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program Staff & Peer Program

K-12 Toolkit for Mental Health Promotion & Suicide Prevention

Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255


Super Ventricular Tachycardia (SVT)

SVT in Children


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Teen Health

Real Talk with Dr. Offutt: Presents safe, user-friendly, non-judgmental medical information to teens and young adults. Simply armed with a mission to provide a safe, ad-free, accurate, non-judgmental, no embarrassment, no-question-is-too-dumb, feel-free-to-disagree kind of online teen health community.


Teen Pregnancy

Adolescent Health Topics

The Alan Guttmacher Institute: Research on Reproductive Health


Tourette Syndrome

Tourette Association of America

Tourette Syndrome Fact Sheet



Ed Code 49406: Tuberculosis: Risk Assessment Questionnaire, (AB1667 changes ED 49406 as of January 1, 2015) replaces universal Tuberculosis testing with universal risk assessment. The questionnaire may be administered and if no risk factors are identified, a more in-depth examination is not required. If tuberculosis risk factors are identified, the individual must be referred and examined to determine that they are free of infectious tuberculosis by a physician, surgeon, physician’s assistant, or nurse practitioner.

CDPH CA School Employee TB Risk Assessment Questionnaire


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Vaping and Smoking

Tobacco Control and Prevention

Stanford Tobacco Prevention Toolkit

Health Risks of E-cigarettes, Smokeless Tobacco, and Waterpipes

Kick It California: A free program that helps Californians kick smoking, vaping, and smokeless tobacco with the help of proven, science-based strategies.

Secondhand Smoke

Youth Tobacco Cessation Collaborative

CDC "How to Quit Smoking"

California Smoking Helpline: 1-800-NO-Butts (1-800-662-8887)


Violence Prevention

Teen Violence

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

Injury Center: CDC Injury Violence Prevention and Control

Teen Dating Violence


Vision Screening

Vision Screening is mandated in Kindergarten (T/K), Second, Fifth, Eighth, and upon first school entry as well as on all Special Education students (Ed Code 49455). Vision screening in California public schools must be conducted by a credentialed School Nurse or other qualified personnel under Ed Code 49452.

A Guide for Vision Testing in California Public Schools

California Department of Education

Vision Service Plan (VSP) Eyes of Hope certificates: CSNO is a proud partner of this program. VSP partner with qualified non-profit organizations to ensure that adults and children in need have access to quality eye care and new prescription glasses at no cost through a local VSP network doctor.

Vision Screening Articles

Pediatric and School-Age Vision Screening in the United States: Rationale, Components, and Future Directions Published online 2023 Mar 2

AAPOS uniform guidelines for instrument-based pediatric vision screen validation 2021

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Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program

Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for WIC


Workplace Injury

Insurance Information Institute

California Occupational Safety Administration (Cal OSHA)


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Zika Virus

CDC Zika Virus


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Last updated: 8/1/23