CSNO Awardees

CSNO takes great pride in recognizing outstanding members and friends of CSNO.  The names of current and past award winners may be found here.


State Presidents from 1950 to Current

Excellence in School Nursing Administration (Formerly School Nurse Administrator of the Year) 1998-Current

Excellence in School Nursing (Formerly School Nurse of the Year) 1987-Current

Above and Beyond Award

Above and Beyond Award 2002 to current  CSNO President's Above-Beyond Award
The State President of CSNO may recognize individual members who have made a significant contribution to the practice of school nursing. Presented during the annual CSNO conference.

Partners in Education (formerly Lyda Smiley)  CSNO Partners in Education Award
This award is given to outstanding parents, administrators, community partners, other than a school nurse, who has made significant contributions to school nursing or has supported school nursing/school health services. Presented during the annual CSNO conference.

NASN Academy of Fellows 
CSNO-NASN Fellows 1998 to current   An Honor of the highest recognition that members can receive from NASN bestowed on the Association's professional members who have made significant, unique, and extraordinary achievements that have had broad influence in contributing to the advancement of the specialty practice of school nursing and NASN.