Excellence Awards
The CSNO strategic plan calls for building bridges with entities and organizations that support school nursing and health services. As a means to build these bridges and recognize the support entities provide to promote school nursing and health services, CSNO is expanding our awards and recognition program. All award deadlines for the Sections are November 1st.
Community Partner, School District or County Office of Education Partner
Each CSNO section will nominate a school board member, superintendent, administrator (i.e. director, principal), parent/family/student or community partner who has advocated or supported school health services and/or school nursing. Community Partners will be recognized at the section conference. CSNO State will also identify a community partner, who will be recognized at the CSNO State Conference.
Deadline is November 1.
Click here to submit a nomination for Partner in Education
Excellence in School Nursing Award
The CSNO State Board voted to recognize excellence in school nursing from each section at the state level. One school nurse from the candidates will be selected by the CSNO State Board to represent CSNO at the NASN Conference as the State Affiliate.
Eligibility-One nominee from each of the 5 Sections. Section deadline is November 1.
Nominee must be
- A credentialed school nurse.
- A member in good standing of CSNO for the preceding two years.
- A school nurse that has practiced at least five years within school nursing.
- A currently practicing school nurse of at least 50%. *If the only school nurse position in a community involves fewer hours than usual, it will be considered for the purpose of this eligibility criteria.
- Evidence of excellence in school nursing practice based on School Nursing: Scope and Standards of Professional School Nursing Practice, 4 Ed, 2022 (NASN and American Nurses Association).
Click here to submit Excellence in School Nursing nomination
Excellence in School Nursing/Health Services Administrator
The CSNO State Board voted to recognize excellence in school nurse Administration from each section at the state level. One school nurse Administrator from the candidates will be selected by the CSNO State Board to represent CSNO at the NASN Conference as the State Affiliate.
Eligibility-One nominee from each of the 5 Sections. Section deadline November 1.
Nominee must be:
1. A credentialed school nurse;
2. A member in good standing of CSNO for the preceding two years;
3. Completed five years in school health experience, currently practice full-time and have as their main responsibility the
supervision, administration, and coordination of nursing service and health programs
4. Evidence of excellence in school nursing administration based on Nursing Leadership: Scope and Standards of Practice, 3rd Ed., (2023)
1. A credentialed school nurse;
2. A member in good standing of CSNO for the preceding two years;
3. Completed five years in school health experience, currently practice full-time and have as their main responsibility the
supervision, administration, and coordination of nursing service and health programs
4. Evidence of excellence in school nursing administration based on Nursing Leadership: Scope and Standards of Practice, 3rd Ed., (2023)
Click here to submit a nomination for Excellence in School Nursing Administration
Upon submission of all applications and depending on the quality of applications, the CSNO State Board reserves the right to select one section nominee to represent California in the NASN State Affiliate Award. It is recommended that all candidates develop a portfolio of the above contents to be submitted to NASN. California representative from CSNO to advance to NASN, must be an NASN member in good standing for the past two prior years, with no lapse in membership.
The California Representative Committee shall be chaired by the State PR chair, the NASN director, and CSNO President-Elect.
The committee will oversee the process of selecting an awardee to represent California.
The California Representative Committee shall be chaired by the State PR chair, the NASN director, and CSNO President-Elect.
The committee will oversee the process of selecting an awardee to represent California.