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Happy Hour! Vision Screening: What Was… What Is… What Will Be…
Thursday, March 07, 2024, 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM PST
Category: Events

Happy Hour!
Vision Screening: What Was… What Is… What Will Be…
Belinda Brager, MSN, RN, RCSN
March 7, 2024; 2:30-4:00
CSNO Members: Free; Nonmembers $150

To Register: https://csno.memberclicks.net/vision

AB1722 made considerable legislative changes to the California Education Code 49455.  These changes include who can conduct vision screening in educational settings, photoscreening stance and the role of the school nurse.  Learn about these changes as well as best practices in providing vision screening.

1.5 California Board of Registered Nursing Continuing Education Contact Hours will be provided.  
The California School Nurses Organization is a provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing CEP #04269.