Welcome to Northern Section
Northern Section Events Northern Section News-See you in San DiegoHappy New Year! Northern Section is gearing up to attend the 75th Annual CSNO Conference. According to conference statistics, over 150 Northern Section School Nurses will be attending. We have a fun event planned with goodies and give-aways. There will be some installation of officers as well as networking. You won't want to miss it. See you in San Diego!
Northern Section Fall Conference Northern Section CSNO welcomed Dr. Travis Miller and Dr. David Tran to provide food allergy and asthma updates at the recent fall conference. Research, assessment, pharmacological updates were provided. Coupled with this presentation California Education Code updates and Asthma Guidelines and IHP updates were provided. We all learned about new pharmacological SMART approaches, which are evidenced-based practices in asthma care. Attendees also went through case scenario related to asthma. Northern section will meet again at the 75th Annual CSNO Conference in San Diego/Coronado.
Northern Section Board Members
Northern Section Gallery